Meet Our Team

Elaine Carriedo Lozano
Actress, Executive Producer and Director (Global Production)
She is the platform registration and advertisement contact in the Philippines. The platform registration (SKY Film Production) is where movie makers can upload their films directly to our own platform to generate profit in accordance to their viewers. Elaine help screen the films to make sure they are in accordance to our quality standards.
She's been making films for decades with track record of more than 65 films working for both Hollywood and Local Celebrities. She joined us to help bring the story of the ordinary to a whole new level of high quailty film production their love ones will remember for centuries to come. Below are few examples of movies she's made. Please click on the last link to view all of her film production.

Mona Soriano Solorio
Art Director
Mona makes the movie look as realistic as it should. She's worked with Elaine for a long time and have won awards for her work. She joined our team to help Elaine bring the story to life with an awe. Her work speaks for itself. She's worked for both Hollywood Celebrities and Local Celebrities. Click the links below to view some of her accomplishments. The last link will direct you to many of her work.

Maria (Mylene) Diaz
Production Head, Author, Manager
The Promise Project
Maria's passion is to help improve lives and have done so all her life. She's been an HR leader with global experience in different industries. She is often found creating jobs or helping improve organizations. Her undying passion to improve lives led her to start this company to give everyone a chance to relay their story in book or film. She is your main contact for all operation matters. She collaborates with the entire production and publication team and assists in local filming as needed.
Want to help brighten your community? Partner with us. Together we can illuminate many parts of the world.
Want to boost morale of your employees? Contact her to discuss a program to make that possible.

Nina Wong Hamamoto
Production Assistant, STEM Project Lead
Nna's passion is in helping the children in their STEM projects. She is often found teaching in various locations if not working. She help manage the operation and assists in location filming as needed.

Liam Garcia
Book Publishing Editor
Liam has long list of track record in helping the ordinary turn their stories into a publishable book. His hectic schedule is packed with days talking to customers and reading their story so he can give each one an amazing impact. He is camera shy so you will not see his full picture here but you will be able to talk to him to hear his kind and caring voice. He delivers endless care to bring your story at a whole new level that will amaze you.
Life is short. Do something fun!
Inspire others. Share your story.

Book Publishing Team
Our team of book editors are located in the United States.

Film Production Team
Our team of film makers are located both in the Philippines and in the United States.